"...everyone is bored,and devotes himself to cultivating habits..these habits are not peculiar to our town.." Albert Camus "The Plague"

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Sucking at the Hind Tit of a Dead Cow...

The "We The People" Stimulus Package Brought to You by The National Tea Party Day

...Wake up American, while you were playing with the toys of your consumer wealth you lost much more than your bloated economy of living beyond your means; you lost your representative democracy. Your servants have become your masters. Taxation without representation is tyrrany, but still you look to government to solve problems they created in the first place.You're sucking at the hind tit of a dead cow! ...
The Second American Revolution Has Just Begun!
I suggest one caution about the advice given in the video to send tea bags to your representatives. They won't open letters that appear suspicious; a lumpy tea bag in an envelope makes them think we are trying to poison them!

On April 15, be part of the Taxed Enough Already (TEA) party rally in your community

On the day you pay your taxes, Wednesday, April 15, join others across the country and in your hometown who will be participating in TEA party rallies in front of their city halls. The TEA party rally will begin at 12 noon. See this video - the momentum is growing!

Tags: National tea party day,tea parties,second american revolution,tax day protests,

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