"...everyone is bored,and devotes himself to cultivating habits..these habits are not peculiar to our town.." Albert Camus "The Plague"

Friday, July 31, 2009

Sgt Crowley is a Gentleman, Obama Oblivious

Police Officer James Crowley is a class act.Below is the officer's press conference following the beer picnic. He is the consummate professional and I suspect we will be seeing much more of him. "Joe the Plumber" rose to fame in an earlier episode of Obama dumbspeak; now welcome Sgt James Crowley to national prominence.

Sgt. Crowley garnered much support from his collegues in the Cambridge P.D., including officer Kelly King, pictured below; and, Sgt Leon K. Lashley who found himself embroiled in the controversy by being at the scene of the arrest of Prof. Gates. (video below)

Tags: Sgt James Crowley,Professor Gates,obama,cambridge police,racial profiling,race relations,obama dumbspeak,sgt leon lashley,officer kelly king

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