"...everyone is bored,and devotes himself to cultivating habits..these habits are not peculiar to our town.." Albert Camus "The Plague"

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Close Call-Driver Escapes Crash

This is the scene following this morning's fiery car v. truck crash on I-95 in Branford.We are reminded here of the importance of having as many troopers as possible on the roads to look for unsafe conditions and dangerous motorists and truckers. Gov. Rell's proposed budget requires manning truck weigh stations with DMV employees rather than with State Troopers as at present. The Hartford Courant reports today on what could become a dispute between the DMV, The State Police, and trucking representatives. The police union says:

"It's what we do and quite frankly, we do it efficiently and effectively,'' said state police union president Steven Rief.
But a trucking rep replies:

Michael Riley, president of the Motor Transport Association, testified that he favors the DMV running the weigh stations.

The DMV has not been heard from as yet.
Source: Hartford Courant 3/8/07 Photo: Bob MacDowell
Tags: CT DMV, CT state police, Gov. Rell, truckers, highway safety, truck weigh stations

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